
"We are a Community Seeking to Share God's Love"

Current Church Liturgical Season: Sundays after Pentecost



Be our Guest at a Sunday Worship Service

 July & August Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

We have worship both in person

and live streaming on Zoom and Facebook Live!


 Sign Our Guest Book


Download the Sunday Worship Bulletin / Program (PDF) LINK

For the First Sundays of the month, we invite you to participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion together by gathering bread/pita/cracker and a cup of wine or juice for the service.

 4  Ways to Join Us For Worship:

1. In-person worship We are now worshipping in person! We are following health department guidance with mask-wearing, signing in, hand sanitizing, and distanced seating (on our NEW super-comfortable pew cushions!)


2. Worship using Zoom on your computer, tablet, or smartphone:   Zoom LINK 
                            Meeting ID: 623 572 023     Password: 718688    

NOTE: We ask that you keep your computer microphone MUTED, except for the virtual coffee hour, or to share a prayer concern or celebration at the beginning of worship. Thanks!

Zoom Online Help

Beginners Instructions for using Zoom at home   LINK


3.  To Listen in by Telephone: 

        267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia)

        646 518 9805 US (New York)

        646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 623 572 023

Passcode: 718688

Please keep your phone on MUTE during worship. = *6 to mute and unmute


4. Facebook Live LINK

(You do not have to have a Facebook Account to watch.) 

The Live video will appear on this page at approx. 10:35 a.m.

The video will be on that page for watching at a later date as well.

Master Church Sign-Up

Your generosity helps to provide for:
 Lay Readers,
Greeters (2),
           Refreshment hosts,
                                          Flowers on the Communion Table, and
               Zoom Worship Techs.
                           Steeple Lighting ($25/ month)

Please consider signing up below on the link.

 Thank you!

Help Support Our Work and Ministries

Supporting the work of the Church

We encourage you to set up electronic giving using our safe and easy partner, Vanco.

You can sign up for a one-time gift or one that can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly, using your credit card or checking account (preferred).

 LINK to Donate

Many have done this and it has eased the financial pressure at the church these days.



The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month


Each Sunday, children join their families for the first portion of worship. A non-perishable food offering for the Daily Bread Food Pantry in Danbury is received on the first Sunday of each month.

Special portions of worship happen each week through the month:

First Sunday: Sacrament of Communion

Third Sunday: Sharing of a member's Faith Story and the ways God works in our lives

Fourth Sunday: Mission Moment - a sharing of the ways our church reaches out to others.


 A Nursery Room (unsupervised) is open each week during worship. There is a stocked changing table there as well as activity items for our youngest children. A speaker in the room allows you to listen in on the service underway.



Here are several websites that will deliver a daily prayer right to your computer for free!
The United Church of Christ - Still Speaking Devotions

Daily Devotions - FRPCA
Henri Nouwen Daily email

Helpful links:

Oremus Bible Browser


Bible Pronunciation Guide




If you are interested in becoming a member of the Roxbury Congregational Church, please speak with one of the Ministers. They are happy to discuss any concerns or questions you might have abcommittingment to church membership. The Rite of Membership occurs periodically after a member's orientation session. If you are currently a member of another church, a letter of transfer can be arranged. 

We also have an Associate Membership, for those who want to maintain a primary active church membership elsewhere.

For more information, contact the Church Offat ice 860-355-1978.


Liturgical Seasons & Colors


Advent marks the beginning of the church year as we anticipate, watch, and await the birth of the Christ Child. Purple is used during Advent as during Lent, to symbolize the coming of the King and the coming of God's Kingdom. 



Advent culminates with Christmas, the twelve days we celebrate the birth of Christ. We mark the end of Christmas with the Day of Epiphany. Again, we use our white banners. As with Easter, we are marking events in Christ's life that are filled with hope for us. For Christmas and Epiphany, there is hope in the manifestation that Christ is coming for all people.


With a better understanding of the liturgical seasons and symbols, the use of color and fabric can enrich the meaning of the time being celebrated. Our worship is enhanced as we better understand the gracious acts of God, and we are better equipped to go out into the world, and into God's kingdom.



Purple is the primary liturgical color of the season of Lent. Purple can be thought of as a color for royalty, symbolizing the coming King, as well as a somber color, reminding us of the approaching events.



Easter is not just one day, but an entire season. It begins with our celebration of the day of resurrection and continues for fifty days to Pentecost. The season of Easter is marked with white, which can symbolize purity, hope, and Resurrection.



Pentecost is a Christian holiday that takes place on the 50th day after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus promised his followers that afterwase is gone from the earth, that the Holy Spirit would come to be among us and guide us. It is considered by many as the birthday of the church. The color for the day is red.


Ordinary Time: The Sundays after Pentecost

The main liturgical color for Ordinary Time is green, symbolizing the spiritual growth and building up of the church. May we find that as a congregation we grow and flourish in much the same way.




When there is a significant snowstorm, our ordinary practice will be to proceed with worship as scheduled, unless an official emergency is declared or other factors make it prudent to cancel services. 

In the rare instance in which it is necessary to cancel in-person worship because of weather, a notification will be made via announcements on the church website, the Church's Facebook page, an email broadcast, and on telephone answering message. We would go with Plan "B" which is Virtual Worship only on Zoom and Facebook Live, provided that we have power and an internet connection at the Church.

Notice of cancellation or postponement of programs, meetings, and other church events will be made by the leaders of those events via telephone or email. 

Above all, safety and common sense drive our routine, and we want those same guidelines to drive your own decisions about coming to church during bad weather!


We are working to make the world a better place as we provide:

Continuing Testament, 

Extravagant Welcome 

and as we are Changing Lives.

To learn more about the United Church of Christ's Core Values click HERE


© 2024 Roxbury Congregational Church, UCC
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